Pond Bacteria: Your Weapon Against Summer Heat

That summer heat is on its way and, it some parts of the country, the temperatures have already spiked in to the high 80s and 90s. These warm temperatures can upset the ecological balance in your pond, but beneficial pond bacteria can be one of your best summertime weapons against the effects of higher temperatures.

Water Temperature & Oxygen Levels

As the water temperature in your pond increases, the level of dissolved oxygen in your pond begins to drop. This is because the water molecules move more quickly in warmer water, and this allows oxygen to escape from the pond.

In a pond stocked with fish, this drop in oxygen levels can lead to fish kills. Additionally, this warmer water is the perfect breeding ground for pond weeds and floating green organic matter.

Checking your pond water temperature is crucial, and temperatures above 74 degrees Fahrenheit can be detrimental to your pond ecosystem. Be sure to test the water temperature near the surface as well as near the bottom of your pond. Water temperatures at the bottom will always be cooler, so it’s important to get a reading near the warmer surface areas of the pond.

How Pond Bacteria Can Help

When you add beneficial bacteria to your pond, these pond bacteria consume excess nutrients in your pond, which can inhibit the growth of floating green organic matter. This organic matter tends to thrive in ponds with high water temperatures or a thick sludge layer.

Pond bacteria consume the nutrients in your sludge layer as well as throughout your pond ecosystem, and this can counteract the effects of warm water temperatures. However, pond bacteria also should be combined with an aeration system. These systems circulate the water in the pond, and this not only evenly distributes the pond bacteria, it also lowers the water temperature.

By combining the power of pond bacteria with the power of a high-quality aeration system, you can prevent many common summer pond issues. We recommend adding a bottom diffusion aeration system with enough power to circulate the water in your pond at least twice every 24 hours.

Our Pond Bacteria Products

At Healthy Ponds, we have two all-natural beneficial pond bacteria products that can improve water quality and clarity, as well as helping you maintain a beautiful, healthy pond. Our AquaSpherePRO® is an easy-to-use, biodegradable sphere that you simply toss into you pond.

The sphere sinks to the bottom of the pond an immediately begins releasing beneficial bacteria. Each sphere releases bacteria for 30 days and then you simply toss in new spheres as part of your monthly pond treatment plan.

Natural Blast® is our second pond bacteria product, and this treatment can be added to your pond at the start of your warm season to ensure that, along with the AquaSpherePRO®, the pond has a sufficient dose of beneficial bacteria to handle the seasonal temperature increases.

Natural Blast® also can be added to your pond any time there is a sharp spike in temperature, after a large rain event or any time you notice a bit of floating green organic matter in your pond. Using AquaSpherePRO® and Natural Blast® also can help reduce your sludge layer, and Natural Blast® also is quick and easy to apply. Simply toss the water-soluble bags into your pond, near aeration if possible.

Both AquaSpherePRO® and Natural Blast® are all-natural, veterinarian-approved and safe for fish, plants, wildlife, pets and people.

Other Steps To Take

While proper aeration and use of pond bacteria can prevent many common pond issues, there are a few other ways to help you pond make it through the hot summer months. Adding pond dye, for instance, can improve the aesthetics of your pond, and may also slightly reduce water temperatures as dyes can block some UV light.

Pond dye should not be added to a stagnant pond or a pond with water clarity or quality issues. These issues need to be resolved first before you add the dye. We have easy-to-use black or blue pond dyes in granular form and in water-soluble bags which you simply toss into the pond.

With smaller ponds, such as a koi pond, installing a pond shade can be an excellent idea. These provide your koi with cool areas to rest, but with a combination of aeration and shade, you can reduce the overall temperature in a koi pond or small decorative pond.

Adding a shade tree or two to any size of pond can be a helpful addition, although it obviously takes time for a tree to reach its full height and provide maximum shade. Some beneficial shrubs and plants can be placed around the edge of the pond to provide shade, as well.

For larger ponds, a combination of aeration, beneficial bacteria and perhaps pond dye are your best bet. If your pond is stocked with fish, ensure that you have an ideal size fish population so that these animals don’t have to compete for oxygen, which can become particularly difficult as water temperatures rise, and oxygen levels drop.

It also is smart not to overfeed your fish as the fish waste sinks to the bottom and adds to that muck layer on the bottom of the pond. An abundance of decaying fish food, fish waste and other debris can upset the pH levels in your pond water and encourage the growth of floating organic matter.

How To Purchase Pond Bacteria

To purchase AquaSpherePRO® or Natural Blast® pond bacteria products, just head to our homepage and click on the Products tab. If you aren’t quite sure what products you need, you can click on the Start Your Treatment tab on our homepage. We also offer free personalized treatment plans for any size water feature at https://healthyponds.com/free-pond-plan/.

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