Pond Scum Removal: Easy & Effective Options

Pond scum can transform a beautiful pond into a stagnant mess, and it can happen quickly, especially during the hottest months of the year. Fortunately, at Healthy Ponds, we have easy and effective solutions for pond scum removal.


What Is Pond Scum?

Floating green organic matter is typically either a type of algae or floating weeds and these issues need to be handled differently, so identification is important. A simple touch test can provide you with the information you need.

Simply stick your hand on the surface of the water and grab some of the organic matter. If it fills slimy and has a hair-like structure, it is most likely a type of algae known as filamentous algae. If it has a gritty, sand-like texture, it is probably watermeal.  Watermeal often is mistaken for pond algae, but it’s actually a tiny weed.

Both algae mats and watermeal can be unhealthy for your pond, as well as unattractive. Copper algaecide, such as our Captain product, can be used to address filamentous algae issues as well as other types of algae.  Chemical herbicides can be used to solve issues relating to watermeal and other pond weeds.

However, several states do not allow the use of chemical algaecides or herbicides, so a pond owner in these states (Alaska, California, Connecticut, Maine, New York, New Jersey & Washington) must find other weed or algae control options.

With pond weeds, such as watermeal, you will need to use mechanical removal such as raking, cutting and skimming out these aquatic plants. Watermeal is a floating plant with no fixed root system, so mechanical removal can be quite effective. Submerged and emergent weeds can be trickier to remove as leaving just a few pieces of the weeds in the water can allow them to propagate again easily.

With rooted pond weeds, we recommend trying to remove the entire root system, if possible, as well as much plant matter as possible. Additionally, it can be smart to address pond weed issues at the end of the summer season when these plants are less likely to be able to propagate.

Filamentous algae can be skimmed or raked out of the pond, as well, but our product, Rush®, is an easy and effective treatment option that can be used in place of algaecide. Rush® can improve water quality in a stagnant pond by eliminating heavily matted, floating organic matter on the surface of the pond.

Rush® is not an algaecide, but rather an all-natural pond water cleaner and granular oxidizer that enhances nutrient consumption and accelerates the decomposition of floating organic matter. Excess nutrients in pond water, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, are two common issues that can accelerate the growth of floating organic matter.


Boost Your Pond’s Appearance With Pond Dye

Sometimes, even after you’ve improved the water quality of your pond, it still doesn’t have that beautiful sparkle. Pond dye can be a quick way to improve the look of your pond water, and our natural pond dyes can transform the look of your pond in less than 24 hours.

pond scum removal before and after

As you can see from the images above, our client added pond dye in the morning and by late afternoon, there was a huge improvement. Pond dye should only be added to a pond that is not experiencing water quality issues. If your pond has floating green organic matter or other problems, these need to be mitigated first before adding pond dye.

Our dyes are all-natural and easy-to-apply and safe for fish, livestock, wildlife, pets and people. The dyes are made from certifiable food-grade quality dyes and veterinarian-recommended. While the dyes are safe, we do recommend using gloves and old clothing during application as they can stain your skin and fabrics.

In general, the effects of pond dye can last up to about 30 days, although high water temperatures, weather, water quality, turbidity and other related issues may necessitate the more frequent application of the dyes.

As with Rush® or any of our pond treatment products, please read and follow the directions carefully. With some of our products, there are special instructions for ponds stocked with a high fish population, so be sure to follow those guidelines. If you have any questions about Rush®, our pond dye or any Healthy Ponds products, please get in touch with us at any time. We are always happy to help!


Get A Free Water Treatment Plan

Whether you need to handle pond scum removal, pond weed control or preventative pond care, the team at Healthy Ponds can help with just about any pond issue. We offer free personalized water treatment plans for any size water feature at https://healthyponds.com/free-pond-plan/. This includes small decorative ponds, koi ponds, farm ponds, backyard ponds and large community and golf course water features.

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