Pond maintenance might seem like a huge chore, but it does not have to be. If you have been wondering how to clean pond water, Healthy Ponds has an assortment of all-natural and chemical products that ward off many common pond issues and mitigate any issues you might be facing currently.
Why Choose All-Natural Treatments?
In general, there are two options for pond water treatment. You can use chemicals, or you can use all-natural products. In general, it is typically safer to stick with products derived from natural sources. Our all-natural products contain beneficial bacteria and enzymes found in nature, and these all-natural products are veterinarian-approved and safe for fish, wildlife, pets and people.
These beneficial bacteria consume excess nutrients in your pond and help to resolve issues such as an excess of floating organic matter or an abundant layer of sludge or muck on the bottom of your pond. Likewise, if your pond is a pea-green color or perhaps emits noxious odors, beneficial bacteria can remediate many of these issues.
All these issues can cause oxygen levels in your pond to drop, which can lead to fish kills and cause water to become stagnant. When ponds are stagnant, the water can become dangerously contaminated, posing a threat to wildlife, livestock, your pets and any humans that come into contact with your water. A stagnant pond also serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Furthermore, our all-natural products are comparable in cost to pond chemicals and because some of our products can help ward off many common pond issues, customers end up saving money (and time) in the long run. It also is important to note that chemical treatments are not allowed in several states unless applied by a licensed professional, such as California, New York and New Jersey, so all-natural treatments usually are your best DIY option.
Our Products
When you research how to clean pond water, you might find that many pond experts recommend the monthly use of beneficial bacteria along with supplements when needed. We have all-natural monthly treatments, which can potentially prevent many issues from occurring, as well as supplements which can help alleviate any current problems with your pond water.
Our AquaSpherePRO® is our monthly treatment option. AquaSpherePRO® is a biodegradable sphere filled with beneficial bacteria. You simply toss enough spheres to accommodate the approximate gallons of water in your pond and these spheres will release beneficial bacteria for up to 30 days. In some locations of the country, treatment with the AquaSpherePRO® is necessary throughout the year, although in some areas prone to freezing temperatures, only six or eight months of treatment are typically needed.
Of course, you may be facing serious pond issues currently, and that indicates that you will need supplemental treatments. Our all-natural supplements also contain a proprietary mix of beneficial bacteria that can tackle many common pond issues.
Natural Blast®, for instance, can improve water clarity and quality by increasing the beneficial bacteria in your pond water. Natural Blast® also can advance the decomposition of suspended green organic matter in your pond. This product is placed in water-soluble bags, and the product disperses as the packet dissolves. If you have a fish in your pond, it is recommended that you test the oxygen levels before adding Natural Blast®.
Rush® is another supplement that can be used in very stagnant ponds. This product can eliminate heavily matted, floating organic matter on the surface of your pond. This product is applied evenly over the surface of the water every seven days, as needed. In some cases, only one or two treatments might be necessary, but for severe issues, it can take longer to resolve the problems.
Both Natural Blast® and Rush® can be used in conjunction with AquaSpherePRO®. In addition to using our products, circulating the water can be beneficial. For larger ponds, a bottom diffusion system works best. Some shallow and small ponds can get by with a fountain or surface aerator.
It is important that you purchase products that align with the number of gallons of water in your pond. It’s always better to overtreat with our all-natural products than undertreat. At Healthy Ponds, we offer a custom, free pond treatment plan to help you figure out the right products. Fill our form out here to get started.
In many cases, monthly beneficial bacteria treatments is all that you need to keep a clean pond. Of course, it’s also smart to skim out excess leaves and debris whenever possible and consider opting for phosphorus-free fertilizer for your surrounding grass. We also recommend that you keep a supply of Natural Blast® on hand. Temperature spikes and excess rainfall can cause oxygen levels in your pond to drop, and Natural Blast® can boost the effectiveness of monthly AquaSpherePRO® treatment.